
Senior Class Meeting.

At a meeting of the senior class in Upper Massachusetts last evening the following officers were elected: president, B. W. Trafford; vice-president, J. D. Upton; secretary, C. L. Schurz. The class passed the following resolutions on the death of David Hoadley:

RESOLUTIONS.We, the class of '93 at Harvard college having learned with sorrow of the death of one of our classmates, are

Resolved, That in the death of David Hoadley we have lost one of our most promising members whose manly nature, generous, true hearted impulse and brave simplicity, won all hearts; we recognize that in his death we have suffered an irreparable loss and are

Resolved, That, as an expression of our sympathy, these resolutions be sent to his family.


Dated at Cambridge, October 7, 1892.


B. W. TRAFFORD,President,TRACY HOPPIN,HOWARD C. SHERWOOD,JOSEPH MANLEY.The class closed its meeting by electing G. R. Fearing, H. Ware, and Tracy Hoppin a committee to arrange the meeting for the election of Class Day officers.
