'Varsity Mandolin Club. - A trial of candidates will be held at 7 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 11 in No. 1 Weld. All members of the university who play the guitar or the Mandolin are urged to try.
All Democrats skilled in the use of drum or fife are requested to meet in 42 Beck, Monday evening, at 7.30.
W. B. STEARNS,L. S. THOMPSON.C. R. FALK,G. H. INGALLS,Committee.'94 ELEVEN. - Practice at 2.15 sharp. Everybody come out.
R. B. BEALS.DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - The "Deutscher Verein" will hold its first meeting Monday, October 10, 8 p.m., at the Union Club Rooms in Roberts Hall. Dr. Pole will address the Verein on "Military Service" in Germany at 8.30. The students of German classes are invited.
L. A. E. AHLERS, Pres.HARVARD UNION. - The first meeting will be postponed until next week.
A. B. KEELER, Vice Pres.THETA DELTA CHI. - All members of the University who belong to the fraternity of Theta Delta Chi are requested to send their names and addresses to
A. B. KEELER,13 Stoughton.CHESS TOURNAMENT. - The annual tournament of the Harvard Chess Club will begin Monday, October 17. The tournament is open to all undergraduates of the university, and to members of the Graduate, Law, and Medical schools that are graduates of Harvard. The winner of the first and second prizes will represent Harvard in the Inter-collegiate tournament at New York. Bluebook at Hubbard's apothecary. Entrance fee, fifty cents. Entries close Friday, Oct. 14.
Sec. Harvard Chess Club.'95 Eleven. - All Candidates for the '95 Eleven be on Nortons field at 2.45 to-day.
I. S. ADAMS.Republican Club Drum Corps. - Everybody be on Holmes at 8.30 with drums and fifes.
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Athletic Committee Meeting.