AMATEUR FINISHING. - McCann, Photographer, 186 N Ave.
1m.GEO. Mendall Taylor, teacher of voice, piano and organ. Voices examined. Residence, 349 Harvard St.
6tDANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.
1y.HARVARD DANCES. - Harvard gentlemen, with or without ladies, are invited to a course of 20 Demi-Germans to be held in Brattle hall, Brattle street, Cambridge, commencing Wednesday evening, Oct. 5, at 7.45. This class is intended for beginners as well as advanced pupils. References will be given on opening of the class. Terms, 20 nights, $15.00; 10 nights, $8.00. Private lessons, circulars, etc.
247 W. Newton street, Boston.James W. Brine, Special Sale. - Umbrellas $1.00 to $10.00; Best quality English Macintoshes $4.00 to $35.00. Elegant lines of Furnishing Goods at prices lower than ever.
R. N. LISTER, Vocal Culture and Singing, 149 A Tremont street, Boston, and at residence, 9 Putnam Ave., near Main street, Cambridge. Special attention to development of the voice. Advice gratis.
3t a
WANTED. - A room-mate in College House. Apply to Janitor of College House.
ROOMS TO LET. - Furnished or unfurnished at 109 Ellery Street.
A COLUMBIA safety bicycle, in first-class condition, will be sold cheap, if sold at once. Call evenings at 34 Divinity Hall.
TROUSERS PRESSED. - We call for, press and deliver your trousers, one pair a week for $1.00 a month. Drop us a card and our man will call. General pressing and repairing.
19 Brattle St., Cambridge.ROOM-MATE WANTED, - Enquire at 2 Hastings.
LOST at Memorial, Oct. 5, a leather bag containing books. A bag was taken by mistake for the lost one, and may be obtained at 39 Grays. The lost bag will please be returned to Grays 39.
2tSUITES TO LET. - At 823 Main Street. Terms reasonable.
2tANY INFORMATION leading to recovery of Century Columbia Safety No. 3458 stolen last June from Holyoke House, and to conviction of thief, entitles informer to $100 reward. Address 11 Holyoke House.
STUDENT'S ROOM TO LET. - Fine rooms. All modern conveniences, Brewer's Block Brattle Sq.
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