REPUBLICAN CLUB NOTICES - Every member who can spare time to aid the officers is urged to send his name and address to 23 Holworthy.
Important meeting of the executive committee and vice-presidents at 4.30 today in 23 Holworthy.
Business meeting and election of officers Monday evening at 6.30 sharp in Lower Mass.
Public meeting in Sanders at 8, Monday.
Republican Club Drum Corps. - All candidates be on Holmes field tonight at 7 o'clock. Bring drums and fifes.
D. C. C. - Will the following men please meet at Sanders Theatre at 7.30 this evening to act as ushers at the meeting of the Democratic Club: J. C. Breckinridge R. Y. Emmet, C. R. Falk, H. C. Fox, R. T. Fox, R. T. French, G. H. Ingalls, C. W. Keyes C. L. Schurtz, E. P. Jones, L. W. Page, B. L. Hand, A. Dufee, J. Allen, S. Berry, R. P. Bowler, E. Cockrell, G. DeC. Curtis, W. C. Douglas, J. G. Hart, C. G. Hubbell, G. T. Lapsley, U. T. Robb, P. S. Spaulding, J. Stemfeld, C. R. Bardeen.
All students in the University who have not already filled out their ballots in the University Presidential vote, may do so at Thurston's or Leavitt & Peirce's before Wednesday, Oct. 12.
Harvard Shooting Club. - Practice shoot at club grounds, near the Soldiers Field at 2 this afternoon. Anyone wishing to join may do so at the grounds.
H. U. C. A. - There will be a meeting of the Cycling Association, for Election of officers, 13 Wadsworth House, Monday, Oct. 10, at 7 o'clock. All members are urged to attend.
T. R, KIMBALL, Sec.FRESHMAN FOOT BALL. - All backs will report on Nortons field at 3.30 sharp. All others at 4 sharp. Let every man be on time.
B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.'95 ELEVEN. - The following men be on Nortons field to play Hopkinson at 3.30: Davis, Mills, Doucette, Teele, Cockrell, Potter, Hitch, Pierce, Richardson, Peabody, Knapp, Snow, Miller, McNear, Brown, Raymond, Forbes, Floyd.
I. S. ADAMS.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - The following men will come to a rehearsal at 5 o'clock in 1 Weld, Greene. Flint, Marvin, Morgan Bowles, Boyer, Farwell, Taylor, Cutler, Bell, Cary.
B. WELLS, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - A second trial of candidates will be held in Lower Dane Hall, to-night at 7. Trial of accompanist at 6.45.
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