
Meeting of H. A. A.

The annual business meeting of the Harvard Athletic Association was held in Massachusetts Hall last evening. The meeting was called to order by C. R. Bardeen, '93, treasurer of the association, who briefly spoke of the successful meetings of last year and especially of the open handicap games last spring. The treasurer's report is as follows: Receipts, balance from old account, $17.61, games, $2702.69, memberships, $1036.25, subscriptions $1292.10; total $5048.65. Expenditures, games $2123.76, prizes $467.02, outfits $204.48, old debts, $657.60, printing $49.30, rubbing $265.50, care of grounds $347.44, training table $732.45, travelling expenses $108.40, sundries $82.84; total $5038.79, leaving a balance to new account of $9.86. Mr. Bardeen regretted not to have reduced the previous debt more, but the Association was encumbered with the expenses of sending the team to New Haven last year. It may be said with propriety and truthfulness that the Yale A. A. has failed to forward any of the receipts of the dual league games held at New Haven.

The meeting proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, and resulted in the unanimous election of the following: President, C. R. Bardeen, '93; vice president, G. R. Fearing, '93; treasurer, R. B. Beals, '94; secretary, G. Crompton.
