
A Tribute to the Harvard Law Review.

Below is quoted an extract from a recent number of the Law Quarterly Review, the leading English Law Review. It contains a compliment to the Harvard Law Review and also to two of our professors, which surely deserves publicity in Cambridge.

"We should be leaving a pleasant duty unperformed, did we not draw the attention of English lawyers to a series of admirable articles in the Harvard Law Review, written by Mr. J. B. Thayer. He is tracing the history of trial by jury and the history of the law of evidence, and is bringing to light many things that have escaped the eye of earlier explorers. He shares with his colleague, Mr. J. B. Ames, a mastery of the Year Books which must be very rare even on the American side of the Atlantic, The Harvard Law Review is rapidly making itself an absolutely indispensable member of the library of every one who has any care for the history of the common law."
