
Fact and Rumor.

300 men are enrolled in Geology 4.

E. A. Poe is coaching the Princeton eleven.

English C will meet hereafter in Lawrence 1.

Yale has arranged a game with the West Point eleven.

Twenty men have been taken to the Yale training table.


Professor White's new book, "The Beginner's Greek," is now ready.

A thousand dollars has been pledged for the new Wellesley boat-house.

135 men are enrolled in English 22, the new sophomore course in English.

Twenty-five men from the class of '92, have entered the Harvard Medical School.

All the gymnasium lockers, 1350 in all have been taken, and fifty names are on the waiting list.

The Class Poem of '92 by R. M. Lovett is in the September number of the University Magazine.

The first theme in English B is due Oct. 11. Subject, A Brief Account of the Constitution of Harvard University.

Charles Peabody who completed a post graduate course at Harvard last June has been appointed instructor at St. Marks.

Eight hundred Yale men met Monday night and formed a Republican Club. It will probably be known as the Depew Battalion.
