The leader, so to speak, in the Atlantic is a critical review of the public career of Governor Tilden, by Mr. James C. Carter. Prof. Shaler contributes a very timely article on the 'Betterment of our Highways,' a subject which is just now being agitated throughout the country. And there is a good story - a Calabrian story - by Elizabeth Cavazza, who introduced herself so delightfully a month or so ago by a little thing in the Century called 'When Angry, Count a Hundred.' The present story is not as good as its predecessor, but it is good nevertheless. An interesting comparison of the Naulahka and the Wrecker occupies several pages with the result that the Wrecker receives no great praise, while its rival is judged 'one of the happiest and finest jests we have had for a long time.' The other articles in the number to be mentioned are the continuations of Crawford's 'Don Orsino,' Edward Everett Hale's 'New England Boyhood,' and Margaret Deland's 'Story of a Child.' The verse is signed by Clinton Scollard and Edith M. Thomas.
THE CENTURY.This month the Century is devoted to closing up all the old-standing accounts: that is, it is full of conclusions. The end of Mary Ellen Foote's 'Chosen Valley' has come; 'A Mountain Europa' is finished; the last of Thomas Cole's beautiful engravings after the works of the old masters is published, and Henry B. Fuller's 'Chateleine of LaTrinite' says farewell. It is sad that Mr. Cole's series is finished. One has come to look forward and wonder happily what old favorite would be presented next. Never before has such a collection of beautiful works been made, and Mr. Cole's success is as undeniable as it is great.
Mr. Fuller's 'Chateleine' is hardly up to the high standard he set himself in the 'Chevalier of Pensieri - Vani,' but he shows as wonderful a familiarity with Swiss scenes as with the Italy the 'Chevalier' delighted in.
Archibald Forbes has an interesting article in the beginning of the number on 'What I Saw of the Paris Commune,' illustrated chiefly by that wonderful artist, Vierge. Then, of course there are lots of Columbus and the Worlds Fair, and so forth, all ending with some brilliant little 'Reflections' by Alice W. Rollins.
NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE.Robert Beverley Hale, '91, has a very entertaining flirtation tale in the New England entitled 'Fools Who Came to Scoff.' It is not a new story nor a wonderful story, but it is interesting and pleasing. Another of the Columbus articles, with which the magazines seem to abound just now, is the work of Isaac Bassett Choate; and allied with it in a way is 'The Whereabouts of Vinland' by L. G. Power. There are also very fully illustrated articles on 'The Republic of Venezuela' and 'The City of Denver.' The verse of the number is by Madison Cawein, W. H. Carruth and Stuart Sterne.
THE COSMOPOLITAN.The frontespiece to the number is a beautiful drawing by H. Siddons Mowbray in illustration of a poem by John Vance Cheney. Charles DeKay contributes an article on 'Munich as an Art Centre,' with which are published a number of reproductions of famous paintings of the German School. A series of papers on the 'Great Railway Systems of the United States' is begun and H. H. Boyesen's 'Social Strugglers' is continued. The other features of interest are a story called 'Three Forms,' John A. Cockerill's 'Some Phases of Contemporary Journalism,' and N. L. Taylor's article on 'An Old Southern School.' As was recently telegraphed over the country, Mr. W. D. Howells' name no longer appears as editor of the Cosmopolitan, although he will still contribute to the magazine.
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