
Special Notice.

AMATEUR FINISHING. - McCann, Photographer, 186 N Ave.

1m.GEO. Mendall Taylor, teacher of voice, piano and organ. Voices examined. Residence, 349 Harvard St.

6tUNFURNISHED ROOMS to let at the corner of Broadway and Ware St. Prices, $50 to $250 a year. Inquire at


23 THAYER.DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4. at 8 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.


1y.WANTED. - A good Salesman for this territory. Good pay to right party with satisfactory reference Apply to

CHAS. J. POGUE, Gen'l Mangr.


Chattanooga, Tenn.HARVARD DANCES. - Harvard gentlemen, with or without ladies, are invited to a course of 20 Demi-Germans to be held in Brattle hall, Brattle street, Cambridge, commencing Wednesday evening, Oct. 5, at 7.45. This class is intended for beginners as well as advanced pupils. References will be given on opening of the class. Terms, 20 nights, $15.00; 10 nights, $8.00. Private lessons, circulars, etc.



247 W. Newton street, Boston.LOST. - On Saturday, a small leather pocketbook. Finder please leave at 22 Thayer or Leavitt & Peirce's and receive reward.

W. F. HARRIS.FOR SALE OR TO LET. - A Carl Ecke (Berlin) Piano, in first-class condition. Anyone desiring a good instrument at a low price will do well to apply at 15 Bigelow street, near City Hall. Cambridgeport.

FOR SALE. - Sailing canoe in perfect condition to be sold at once very cheap. Apply to Janitor Weld Boat Club.

3tTO LET. - At low rental for the year, a sunny corner room, not far from Harvard Square. No. 3 James street, cor. Brattle.
