

HARVARD CAMERA CLUB - Important meeting in 60 Thayer Wednesday evening at 7.30. All members of the University wishing to join the club will please send their names by postal to

F. H. CUMMINGS, SEC.60 Thayer.Harvard Republican Club. - All members of the university may have measurements for their crimson gowns and white mortar-boards, taken at either store of Brine's. This should be done as soon as possible so that the uniforms may be finished in time. Shingles may be had any day at 2 p. m., in 23 Holworthy.

R. M. Gillespie, Sec.H. A. A. - All new members of the University, are urged to join at once. Secretary's hours, 12 to 1 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 19 Holworthy. Those so desiring, may join at Thurston's.

tf GEORGE CROMPTON, Sec.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Full rehearsal at 7.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Team practice at 2. The novice and all comers matches will be finished.


HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION. - Meeting tonight, in Holden Chapel, at 6.45. Dr. Santayana will speak. All are cordially invited.

REPUBLICAN CLUB DRUM CORPS. - Let every man be at Mass. Hall tonight at 7.30.

'93 ELEVEN: - Dibblee, Pierce, Winsor, Ellsworth, Carey, Pike, Hale, Smith, Bisbee, Broughton, Chew, Soren, Robb, French, Winslow, Stevens, Duffield, Jackson, Macallister, be dressed at the Gym. to play '95 at 3.45 sharp.

J. H. PARKER.Freshman Football. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Nortons at 3.30 sharp.

F. S. NEWELL.If there are any members of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood in the university they are earnestly requested to send their names and addresses to me.


3t 384 Broadway.
