

H. A. A. - Those who have entered the freshman games but have not joined the H. A. A., must do so at once. None but members can compete.

HARVARD DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN CLUB. - All those men who signed the book at Leavitt's, but have not yet paid their initiation fees, are earnestly requested to do so on or before Nov. 2d.

MURRAY BARTLETT, Treas.HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - Scratch Races four oars will be held Nov. 3d at Weld Boat House. Open to all members of the university. Blue book left at Thurston's and Leavitt's and entries close Tuesday at 8 p. m. Boats reserved for practice on Wednesday. Entrance fee 25 cents. Single wherry race Saturday, Nov. 5. Entries close Friday.

3t W. R. PEABODY, Sec.H. A. A. - Those who have entered the freshman games, but have not been examined, must do so at once.


W. L. THOMPSON.VARSITY FOOT BALL. - Practice will begin at 3.15 sharp. If any man cannot be dressed ready for play at that time he must see me before 1 p. m. today,

All those who do not tackle before playing must tackle immediately after practice.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.Harvard Democratic Club. - Tickets for the joint debate with the Economy Club may be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's. The debate takes place Monday evening, Oct. 31st, at Odd Fellows' Hall. All members who can go are urged to do so.

