In the Fall Field Day held at Yale Thursday a majority of the events were won by Freshmen. It will be of interest to Harvard men to compare the records made at Yale with those which will be made here in the Freshman Games Monday. Following is a list of the Yale events and records:
100 Yard Dash. - Won by C. Gillette, '96, (2 ards;) time, 0.10 3-5; A. Pond, '95, (1 1-2 yards,) second; R. F. Ely, '95, (3 yards,) third.
220-Yard Dash. - Won by A. Pond, '94; time, 0.23 3-5; F. F. Bennett, '96, second; J. H. Good, '94, third.
440-Yard Dash. - Won by G. S. Frank, '96. (35 yards;) time-0.50; T. M. Hoening haus, '96, (45 yards,) second; J. Sherwood, L. S., (45 yards,) third.
Half-Mile Run. - Won by J. L. Potter, '94, (60 yards;) time-2.00 4-5; W. Scoville, '95, (70 yards,) second.
Mile Run. - Won by J. H. Morgan, '94 (65 yards;) time-4.36 3-5; S. Scoville, '93, (scratch,) second, and A. C. Williams, M. S., (scratch,) third.
120-Yard Hurdle. - Won by E. H. Cady '96, (10 yards;) time, 0.17 1-5; D. B. Lyman, '94, (scratch,) second.
Pole Vault. - Won by. O. G. Cartwright, '93, (scratch;) distance of actual vault, 10 feet 1 inch; E. H. Hart, '94, second; T. Rice, '94, third.
Putting the Shot. - Won by J. H. Brown, 96; actual put, 35 feet 5 inches; D. B. Lyman, '94, second; C. E. Coxe, '94, third.
High Jump. - Won by D. B. Lyman, '94; actual jump, 5 feet 3 inches; E. H. Cady, '95, second.
Throwing the Hammer. - Won by C. E. Coxe, '94; actual throw, 94 feet 3 inches; W. O. Hickok, '96, second; actual throw, 103 feet 4 inches; J. H. Brown, '96, third.
Broad Jump. - Won by G. C. Child, '94; actual jump, 19 feet 1 inch; J. Cuntz, second; R. Atherton, '96, third.
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