

H. A. A. - All new members of the University, are urged to join at once. Secretary's hours, 12 to 1 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 19 Holworthy. Those so desiring, may join at Thurston's.


GEORGE CROMPTON, Sec.'93 Eleven. - Everyone who has been trying for the eleven this year must be out at 3.30 sharp. It is necessary that every man be on the field promptly.

J. H. PARKER.H. A. A. - Entries to the freshman games may be made at the gymnasium Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, between eleven and one o'clock. There is no entrance fee, for contestants.

GEO. CROMPTON, Sec.Signet. - The initiation of the Second Seven will take place on Friday the 28th of October, instead of Friday the 21st, as previously announced.


2tHarvard Republican Club. - All members of the university may have measurements for their crimson gowns and white mortar-boards, taken at either store of Brine's. This should be done as soon as possible so that the uniforms may be finished in time. Shingles may be had any day at 2 p. m., in 23 Holworthy.

R. M. Gillespie, Sec.English C. - I shall be in Sever 10 from 2.30 to 3.30.

F. G. CAFFEY.French 1b. - Friday at 3.30 in Upper Dane. (Students bring Columba.)

French 2. - Friday at 10 in Upper Dane, (Allen to Martin), and in Upper Mass., (Mason to Youngman.)

ROBERT SANDERSON.'95 Eleven. - The following men meet in gymnasium dressed at 2.35. sharp. Everyone must be on time. Wadsworth, Cook, Grant, Doucette, Murchie, Teele, Richardson, Hartwell, Pierce, Cockrell, Thompson. Hitch, Cameron, Peters, Trotter, Floyd, Miller, Forbes.

R. D. WRENN.'93 Eleven - Pierce, Ellsworth, Broughton, Winslow, Robb, Chew, Sorhen, Carey, Flak, Dibblee, Winsor, Smith, Hickey, Dunn. Keyes, Bergengren, Cochrane, Hale, French, Hand, Stevens, Duffield, McAllister, Jackson, and Bisbee, be dressed to play at the gymnasium at 3.30 sharp.


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