Freshman Football. - All backs will report on Nortons field at 3.00 sharp. All others at 3.30 sharp.
F. S. NEWELL.Republican Club Band. - Meet in front of Massachusetts at 7 sharp.
H. F. KENT.Republican Drum Corps. - Let every man be at Massachusetts at 7 p.m. sharp.
Harvard Fencing Club. There will be an important business meeting and smoker of the Harvard Fencing Club on Friday at 7.15 p. m. at the new rooms, corner of Harvard Square, over Claflin's Drug Store.
R. STONE, Pres.Geology 1. - There will be no lecture in this course on Friday, Oct. 28. Mr. Ward will meet the class for review. No absences will be recorded. There will be a lecture at 10 o'clock on Monday, Nov 1, instead of recitations.
W.M. DAVIS.An open meeting of the Cycling Association will be held in the trophy room of the gymnasium at 7.30 tonight. All bicycle riders are cordially invited, as business of importance to all will be discussed.
The third open run of the Harvard Cycling Association will be held this afternoon at 3.30. The run will be about 10 miles and all members of the university are cordially invited to participate. Meet in front of the gymnasium.
F. S. ELLIOT, Capt,'94 Eleven. - All men who have been trying for the junior eleven must be on Nortons this afternoon at 3.45.
R. B. BEALS, Captain.Freshman Football. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Nortons at 3.30 sharp.
F. S. NEWELL.If there are any members of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood in the university they are earnestly requested to send their names and addresses to me.
384 Broadway.VARSITY FOOT BALL. - Practice will begin at 3.15 sharp. If any man cannot be dressed ready for play at that time he must see me before 1 p. m. today,
All those who do not tackle before playing must tackle immediately after practice.
B. W. TRAFFORD. Capt.Harvard Democratic Club. - Tickets for the joint debate with the Economy Club may be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's. The debate takes place Monday evening. Oct. 31st, at Odd Fellows' Hall. All members, who can go are urged to do so.
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Foot Ball.