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Now that we have referred to the freshman class there is one point on which we have received several communications and to which we wish to call the attention of Ninety-six. At the close of the lectures in English A a certain number of men have formed the ungentlemanly habit of scuffling their feet and in other ways distributing the instructor. It is never the intention to keep the class beyond the end of the hour, but they are supposed to remain till then and it is very discourteous to the instructor to treat him in any such manner. It seems a petty thing to refer to, but we hope that Ninety-six will look out for it in future. Moreover when the class is dismissed the men generally make a great rush from Boylston Hall to Memorial, regardless of trees and shrubs on the lawns. In this manner several valuable plants have been badly injured. We can understand, considering the unpleasant system of general tables and checking at Memorial, how each man wishes to get there as soon as possible, but it should not be done at the expense of our trees and shrubbery.


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