Among the new courses introduced this year is one that deserves special notice for its breadth and novelty. It is an official recognition of the present condition of physical culture, and gives, after a four years' course, the degree of Bachelor of Science in anatomy, physiology, and physical training.
As outlined, the course is very broad, being designed for three classes of students, namely: those who wish to be fitted for teaching physical culture; those who for any reason desire to study the proper care of their bodies; and thirdly, those who wish an excellent introduction to medicine.
The studies required are as follows: First year - physics zoology and botany, personal hygiene, chemistry, English, German or French and Fine Arts. Second year - botany and zoology, geology, physics, chemistry, history of physical education and English. Third year (at the Medical School) - anatomy, physiology, histology, hygiene, foods and cooking, medical chemistry, and auscultation and percussion. Fourth year - psychology, anthropometry, applied anatomy, experimental physiology, orthopedics, diseases of the nervous system, and English. During each year there is intruction in gymnastics and athletics, and the students are required to attend the summer course in gymnastics.
It can easily be seen that the course is by no means easy, for it has a very wide range. The instruction in the ordinary studies is given in the regular college courses, while Dr. Sargent has charge of the anthropology, anatomy, and gymnastics, and Dr. G. W. Fitz of hygiene and experimental physiology. The course is added as a course in the Scientific School.
To define more clearly the special object of the course, it may be stated that the idea of its promoters is to establish a systematic culture in exercise, and to reduce sport to a scientific basis. With that end in view, the lectures will go back to the earliest known times, and the history of gymnastics will be traced, and therefrom will be deduced results, so that the student can get for his own work the proper methods.
In addition to the theory, practical demonstration will be given in a laboratory, especially arranged for the physiological work. Particular apparatus is being constructed.
The course opens with eleven students. some of whom intend to make a profession of he teaching of culture, while others wish to take this introduction to a subsequent course in the Medical School. The special gymnastic work will begin as soon as the course is fairly started.
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