
Tennis Scores.

As announced in yesterday's CRIMSON, the championship match between J. H. Chase '95 and T.Hoppin '93 will be played at 11 a. m. this morning, on the Cary court.

In the doubles yesterday, Codman and Winslow beat Robinson and Chamberlain, 6-2, 6-1; Boyden and Bradlee beat the Frothingham Bros., 6-3, 2-6, 9-7. In the consolations, Ingraham beat Winslow 6-5, 6-1. Today's matches will be as follows: At 1.30, Read and Johnston vs. Codman and Winslow; at 2, Ingraham vs, Robinson.

The following men are now left in the doubles: Read and Johnson play Codman and Winslow. The winner to play Lyman and Chase in the semi-finals; in the finals Boyden and Bradley.
