
Correction in the Statistics of the University.

In the University statistics published in Saturday's issue of the Crimson, there was an unfortunate error as to the number of students in the Graduate school. According to the report furnished to the Crimson by the University office, the Graduate School was credited with only 189 students, as against 202 last year. As a matter of fact these figures should be reversed In 1891-92 but 189 were registered in this department, while in the present year 202 are already enrolled.

Making the corresponding changes in the totals for the University, we have this year 2907 students, while last year there were but 2660. This makes a gain of 247 instead of 221.

The improvements in the Graduate Department are well worth notice. In 1891-92 there were offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, "primarily for graduates," 81 full courses and 24 half-courses. This year there are 92 full courses and 52 half-courses. This gives an increase of 11 full courses and 28 half-courses. In order to complete the courses now offered in the Graduate School, a man would work twenty-nine and one-half years, taking the regular four courses a year.
