CRIMSON BOARD. - There will be a very important meeting of the board on Monday at 6.45. Every editor must be present.
2tPierian Sodality. - First rehearsal Monday at 7 in Roberts Hall. A full attendance is requested.
J. H. BENNETT, for F. H. Kent.Freshman Football. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Nortons at 3.30 sharp.
F. S. NEWELL.Freshman Crew. - Kales, Thomas, Parker, Wagner, Derby, Barrett, Morrill, Fuller, Mumford, Grew, Beebe, Fox, Furman, Howland, Forbes, Hayden in rowing room at 4.45. All others at 4.20.
F. N. WATRISS.Harvard Rowing Club. - Open to all members of the University, Weld Boat House on Boylston St., open daily through out the autumn. Men may join at Thurston's or on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10-11, at 26 Holyoke House.
W. R. Peabody, Sec.FRESHMAN FOOT BALL. - All backs will report on Nortons field at 3.30 sharp. All others at 4 sharp. Let every man be on time.
B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.Instructors are requested to sign all notices for the CRIMSON that relate to college courses.
Democratic Campaign Club. - Members of the Club and all Harvard Democrats are asked to meet at Harvard Square on Monday evening at 7.30, and march to Union Hall in a body to attend the rally given by the club, and to listen to Col. Higginson and Mr. Fitzgerald.
2tH. A. A. - All men, members of the University, are urged to join at once. Secretary's hours, 12 to 1 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 19 Holworthy. Those so desiring, may join at Thurston's.
GEORGE CROMPTON. Sec.Signet. - The initiation of the Second Seven will take place on Friday the 28th of October, instead of Friday the 21st, as previously announced.
2tThe following men will please meet at 10 Holyoke House, Monday evening, at 7.15, R. D. Wrenn, W. W. Caswell, W. M. Briggs, J. S. Wadsworth, H. A. Bull, W. Ames, C. H. Mills, T. K. Lothrop, J. K. Whittemore, N. P. Dodge, C. E. Noyes, R. Whitman, C. S. Pierce, T. Spalding.
R. W. EMMONS.'Varsity Glee Club. - Rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock in Old Pudding Building.
B. WELLS, Sec.
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