
English 6.

Debate for Thursday, Oct. 27, 1892.

Question: Resolved, That the Annexation of Canada would be for the best interests of the United States.

Brief for the Affirmative:

E. P. JOSE and E. S. HOUSE.Best general references: Goldwin Smith, Destiny of Canada; No. Am. Rev. vol. 139, p. 42; vol. 139, p. 42: Forum, vii. 1, ix. 255; Public Opinion vi, vii passim.

I. Canada belongs to the United States: Forum, vii. 1 et seq, ix. 257 et seq; Dilke, Problems, 17, Chap., iv. part i. (a) Geographical and territorial configuration: - (b) Political position: - (c) Similarity of lineage, laws, language and literature: - (d) Natural resources: - (e) Future position of the two countries.

II. Annexation could be peaceably effected: Forum, Nov. 1888; No. Am. Rev. Mch., 1891; De Bow Rev., IX 400; Republic II, 88, 97. (a) England would not oppose the wishes of Canada; - (b) Canadian sentiment for annexation is strong and increasing.


III. Annexation would be an advantage to the United States: (1) International complications; Public Opinion. VI, 215; Nation, Vol. 28, p. 171. (a) BehringSea. - (b) Fisheries. - (c) Interstate laws. - (d) Customs duties. - (e) Smuggling.

(2). Economically: Mag. Am. Hist., XXI, 132; Republic, II, 88; Forum, VI, 453; No. Am. Rev., vol. 136, pp. 83, 152. - (a) Waterways. - (b) Reserve.

(3). Politically: Public Opinion, VII, 187; De Bows Rev., Vol. IX, p. 400; Republic, vol. II, p. 88. (a) Takes away the possibility of a rival. - (b) Such an alliance would make us the greatest nation in the world.

Brief for the Negative:

R. G. DODGE and R. C, LARRABEE.Best general references: Forum IX, 562, VI. 451, 634; Spectator LXIV, 193; No. Am. Rev., Vol. 148. p. 665, Vol. 150, p. 404, Vol. 152, p. 557.

I. Annexation would be a political disadvantage to the United States. - (a) Majority of Canadians could not be loyal to a strange form of government: Forum IX, 562, - (b) A Canadian faction would be introduced into Congress; Forum, VI, 458, IX, 562. - (c) management of the vast-territory would be too much for a government already overcrowded with work: No. Am. Rev., Vol. 152, p. 559.

II. Annexation would be of no economic advantage. - (a) We should get a debt - saddled country: Forum VI, 458, - (b) Canada poor and occupied in only a very small part: Statesman's Year Book, 1891, p. 197. - (c) Reciprocity would secure for us the advantages without the disadvantages No. Am. Rev., Vol. 152, p. 96.

III. Annexation cannot be peacefully accomplished: No. Am. Rev., Vol. 152, p, 91. - (a) Canadian parliament and people would oppose it: No. Am. Rev., Vol. 148, p. 666. - (b) England would not consent: No. Am. Rev., Vol. 148, p. 672.

IV. Inhabitants of Canada would not make good United States citizens. - (a) Indians: Forum, VI, 460. (b) Conservative English Canadians: No. Am. Rev., Vol. 148, p. 666. - (c) French and Roman Catholics: Forum, X, 323. (d) Danger of race-conflict in Canada: Forum, Nov. 1890.
