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Now that the statistics of the University have been completed, it is interesting to compare them with those of last year. In the first place we have a total gain of 221 as against a total gain last year of 361. There is a falling off of 140, although that loss will doubtless be diminished later as there is always an increase in the Graduate and Divinity Schools during the year. There is an increase of 135 in the undergraduate department as against an increase last year of 185. The most notable gain comes in the Scientific School - a gain of 63. The decrease of students in the special department, though only 19, is from one point of view a welcome change, for while that department is well fitted for the demands of certain specialists, the decrease implies that more men are entering as regular students. Again the gain of 78 in our Summer School is added proof of the success of the school and the need it answers.

It is a little difficult to discover just where we have lost in numbers this year. Last year's, increase as we have said, was 185 in the undergraduate departments while this year it is 135, a difference of 50, and the rest of the loss lies in the graduate departments. The graduate school, then, has lost in numbers, the seniors have gained, owing partly to the number of men who came here for the senior year only; the juniors have increased also, while the sophomores have held their own - an unusual occurrence. The freshman class is as usual the largest class which has ever entered Harvard.
