There will be an examination in philosphy 3 to-day, at 1.30 in U. 16. Students are requested to bring their blue-books.
J. ROYCE.All wishing to enter the freshmen games must join the H. A. A.
GEORGE CROMPTON, Sec.'Varsity Glee Club. - Will all members of the Glee Club past and present, now in college, assist the Chapel Choir in Appleton Chapel at the special service Friday evening. Rehearsal at 5.15 p.m., Thursday, in chapel. Enter at door on south side. Tenors specially urged to come.
Any one wishing to consult me with reference to the courses on special methods of instructions to be given by instructors in different departments of the college will find me today in Sever 8 from 3 to 4.20 p.m. - not from 3 to 5 as announced in the calendar.
PAUL H. HANUS.The second Bicycle run of the fall will be held under the auspices of the Cycling Association this afternoon at 3.40. The run will be open to all members of the University and every one is cordially invited. The run will be from 15 to 20 miles and at the same place as the last one Meet at the gymnasium at 3.30 sharp.
F. S. ELIOT, Capt.'93 Eleven. - Everyone who has been trying for the eleven this year must be out at 3.30 sharp, It is necessary that every man be on the field promptly.
J. H. PARKER.Class football captains meet at 23 Weld tonight at 9 sharp.
The Classical Club will meet this evening at eight o'clock in Dr. Battle's room, 35 Matthews. Important business. A full attendance is desired.
FRANCIS KINGSLEY BALL, Sec.'95 Eleven. - All candidates be on Nortons at 3.45 sharp.
R. D. Wrenn.'95 Nine. - All those who played in either of the Yale games will meet at 5 Beck Hall at 7.00 tonight to elect a captain for next season.
Republican Drum Corps. - Meet at Lower Mass. at 7.30 to march in the parade.
Freshmen Football. - The following men will be on Jarvis field dressed, to play Hopkinson's at 3.30 sharp today: Faxon, Wurden, Rice, J. Warren, Duffield, Lewis, Booth, Marsten, Steadman, Butler, Richardson, Clark Dibblee, Gould, Borden, Bullock, Hamlin, Gonterman, Arnold, Scott, Hayes, Bullard. All others out Thursday at 4.00 p.m.
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Rev. Andrew Oliver '42.