

Signet. - Initiation of Second Seven Friday at 8 p.m. Old members are invited.


Harvard Rowing Club. - Open to all members of the University, Weld Boat House on Boylston St., open daily through out the autumn. Men may join at Thurston's or on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10-11, at 26 Holyoke House.


W. R. Peabody, Sec.FRESHMAN FOOT BALL. - All backs will report on Nortons field at 3.30 sharp. All others at 4 sharp. Let every man be on time.



B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.Instructors are requested to sign all notices for the CRIMSON that relate to college courses.

Harvard Republican Club. - Shingles may be obtained any day at 2 p.m. in 23 Holworthy. The ballot of the Freshman class, through a misunderstanding, must be taken again; so, all freshmen and members of the Lawrence Scientific School are requested to be present at 9 a.m. Tuesday. There is to be a Republican meeting at Union Hall, Wednesday evening, to which all Republicans are asked to be present. Hon. Boutelle, Gov. G. D. Long, and Lieut. Gov. Hale, are to speak.

VARSITY FOOT BALL. - Practice will begin at 3.00 sharp. If any man cannot be dressed ready for play at that time he must see me before 1 p.m. today,

All those who do not tackle before playing must tackle immediately after practice.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.'94 ELEVEN. - All candidates be on the field at 3.45. There is great need of more men.


R. B. BEALS, Captain.H. A. A. - All men, members of the University, are urged to join at once. Secretary's hours, 12 to 1 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 19 Holworthy. Those so desiring, may join at Thurston's.


