
Inter-Collegiate Football Meeting.

The graduate advisory committee of the Inter-Collegiate Football Association held a meeting Saturday at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, the object being to select umpires for the championship games. Each college in the league sent its representative, and the following appointments were made:

Oct. 29. Princeton vs. Wesleyan at New York; Terry, Yale; Dean, Harvard.

Nov. 5. Princeton vs. University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia; Hartwell, Yale; Terry, Yale.

Nov. 5. Yale vs. Wesleyan at New Haven; Cumnock, Harvard; Hubbard, Trinity.

Nov. 12. Yale vs. University of Pennsylvania at New York; Harris, Princeton; Beattys, Wesleyan.


Nov. 24. University of Pennsylvania vs. Wesleyan at Philadelphia; Dashiell, Lehigh; Graves, Yale.

Nov. 24. Yale vs. Princeton at New York; Coffin, Wesleyan; Cumnock, Harvard.
