The new athletic field at Columbia was formally opened Saturday.
President Jordan of Leland Stanford, Jr., University receives a salary of $15,000.
Instructors are requested to sign all notices for the CRIMSON that relate to college courses.
In the '94 game with Exeter on Saturday, Cabot received a bad cut under his eye and will be unable to play for several days.
Cunningham of the B. A. A. has made the following records: throwing the 56 lb. weight, 34 feet; throwing the hammer 120 feet; putting the shot. 40 feet.
The first game of the inter-scholastic championship series will be played on Jarvis field next Friday, when the Cambridge High will play C. M. T. S.
The election of the executive committee of the Republican Club resulted as follows: A. K. Stearns L. S., C. G. Morgan L. S., R. Bisbee '93, F. W. Dallinger '93, W. J. Frothingham '94, R. Paine '94, E. H. Warren '95. H. A. Bull '95.
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