
Chess Tournament.

Only sixteen men thus far have entered the Chess Tournament. The committee are not satisfied with so few entries and will extend the time to 6 o'clock tonight, when drawings will be made and announced in tomorrow's CRIMSON.

It would seem that in so large a University, and when there is so much at stake, that more men should be willing to enter. The committee, and still more the University itself, wants and must have the two best men that Harvard can offer to represent her in the intercollegiate match this coming Christmas. A great deal of interest is being shown at the three other universities, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton, over the coming match, and they will send strong teams into the contest. It would be unfortunate for Harvard to be outdone and outplayed merely through a lack of interest. Every man, therefore, who knows anything about chess is urged to sign the blue-book at Hubbard's before six o'clock tonight.
