Dr. Leighton Parks preached in Appleton Chapel last night on ideas suggested by the parable in Jeremiah of the potter's house. In the parable there is an obvious object lesson. There are three things necessary for the formation of a bit of pottery, the clay, the wheel and the potter's hand. So it is in the formation of a human being; there is the body and the mind corresponding to the clay, experience, environment, corresponding to the wheel, God, back of all the work, corresponding to the potter.
All three of these elements are present in every life and they are inter-dependent. Like the vases which the potter produces, men are made of different grades of material; some are good, some are bad, but all are worked upon by the wheel, experience, nature and God. As we study these three elements we study Philosophy, Science or Theology.
But there is an exhortation as well as an object lesson in the parable. Unlike the clay the human being has power to resist the operation of the wheel and the potter's hand. A man predetermins his own course. He may from choice make himself, against conscience and God, bad. The responsibility, then, rests on each of us to cooperate with, rather than resist the forces which are shaping our lives.
The choir sang the following anthems, "My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord," West; "Try me. O God," Roberts; "To Thee do I lift up my soul," King Hall.
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