Brown has started a "commons."
Cash will captain the M. A. C. team this season.
Dr. Sargent has examined 100 men in the past week.
A lacrosse team has been organized at Princeton.
Over 900 football season tickets have been sold.
The annual Andover-Exeter football game will be played Nov. 12 at Andover.
Wesleyan has just secured the $75,000 needed for the proposed new gymnasium.
Calkins, '90, is professor of French at the Iowa State University.
H. S. Wilkinson, '91, was in town the first of the week.
There are about 30 women enrolled in Yale's graduate courses.
A second edition of Professor Lyon's Assyrian Reader will be published by Scribners this week.
Columbia graduates are taking steps towards the formation of an Alumni Association.
Copies for the first Theses in History 9 have been assigned and the first thesis is due Nov. 18.
The lecture hour in English 22 on Saturdays will be devoted to conferences hereafter.
Bowers, Murphy, and Norton of the Yale nine played last summer on the Brattleboro, Vt., team.
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Overdue English Themes.