

In response to the call for candidates for the 'varsity crew, a few men presented themselves at the meeting held last night in the Trophy Room of the gymnasium. Most of these men had already rowed on or tried for either the 'varsity crew or the class crews. The call for candidates was intended to bring out not only these men but also new men, untried, who might be developed to fill the vacant places on the crew and in this it failed.

What are needed and what it is absolutely necessary should be brought out, are new men. There are men in college who have not come out who can be developed into good oars and as there are several places to be filled, I hope that every man who is capable of rowing, whether with or without experience, who will try for the crew, will send me his name or meet me at my room.

DAVIS R. VAIL,Capt. H. U. B. C.4 Holyoke House.
