
Special Notice.

AMATEUR FINISHING. - McCann, Photographer, 186 N Ave.

1m.DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.

1y.HARVARD DANCES. - Harvard gentlemen, with or without ladies, are invited to a course of 20 Demi-Germans to be held in Brattle hall, Brattle street, Cambridge, commencing Wednesday evening, Oct. 5, at 7.45. This class is intended for beginners as well as advanced pupils. References will be given on opening of the class. Terms, 20 nights, $15.00: 10 nights, $8.00. Private lessons, circulars, etc.




247 W. Newton St., Boston.HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - Members can procure Badges and Buttons at Thurston's.

3tFOR SALE. - Fox Terrier pups can be seen in Leavitt & Peirce windows. Fine pedigree.

2tZITHER LESSONS. - For information address G. C. H., Box No. 25, Cambridge.

2tJames W. Brine, Special Sale. - Umbrellas $1.00 to $10.00; Best quality English Macintoshes $4.00 to $35.00. Elegant lines of Furnishing Goods at prices lower than ever.

R. N. LISTER, Vocal Culture and Singing, 149 A Tremont street, Boston, and at residence, 19 Putnam Ave., near Main street, Cambridge. Special attention to development of the voice. Advice gratis.

3t a

THE Co-Operative will buy copies of Sumichrast's Compositions and Hart's Topical Outline.

LOST. - Notebook with notes in History 13 and Zo-ol. 1. Left on museum steps Tuesday. Finder please leave with Auditor of Memorial Hall.

CHOICE Oriental Rugs, Portieres, Embroideries, etc., for sale at low prices at 56 Mt. Auburn St., Mon., Wed., and Fri. mornings, and Tues., Thurs., and Sat. afternoons.

A German lady, experienced teacher, desires classes and private pupils in German and French, and conversation in both languages. Apply at 29 Chaucey St. any day between 10 a.m. and 12.
