
Football Practice.

Considerable improvement in the general play of the 'varsity eleven was noticeable in yesterday's practice game Shortly after half past three the first and second elevens lined up in the following order.


Emmons, l. e. Davis, Bond

Upton, Mason, l. t. Mason, Whittren

Waters, l. g. Mackie


Lewis centre, Shea, Russell

Acton r. g. Blake, Pierce

Newell r. t. Tukey

Hallo well r. e. Collamore

Fairchild q. Gage

Corbett, Gray halves, Burgess, Jackson

Trafford f. b. Fennessy

Cumnock was coaching and paid special attention to the ends and tackles, while Cranston directed the centre and guards. Many changes took place in the positions of the men and this was especially so among the second eleven, which was practically unable to make any gains against the 'varsity team. The practice was livlier and sharper than it has been for some time past. The men blocked off well and lined up quickly. Ineffective and poor tackling allowed Corbett and Gray to make long gains. Two touch-downs were made in short order and Trafford made a beautiful kick, scoring a goal from the field. Gray rushed for sixty yards and was only downed a few feet from the line. Emmons was slow, though at times he tackled well. Fairchild played a good game at quarter-back.

For the second eleven Jackson did some good playing, making short gains around the end and following the ball closely. McNear also made a pretty run but could do nothing against the centre. Punting was often resorted to during the afternoon, but Fennessy kicked poorly. Collamore blocked off in good style and Russell played better than Shea at centre. On the whole, the teams put up a fair game though not at all the best they were capable of.
