We have casually referred to the growth of the Annex, but now that the statistics of the students there have been made, it is interesting to note how far its reputation has spread and from what distant states its numbers come. We have stated before the large number this year - over three hundred, - a large increase over last year. In addition to this a glance at the statistics of where this number comes from shows an interesting result. Regarding the States outside of New England, three students have come from California, one from Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Virginia, Missouri and the Sandwich Islands, and several from Iowa, Ohio, Texas, the Carolinas and Indiana. In addition to this there are many students who are graduates of other colleges.
These figures show that the Annex has established a foothold in the West which each year is strengthening. They show that, while such colleges as Smith, Vassar and Wellesley naturally draw a greater number because of their older institutions and their advantages of a college life, the Annex is making itself felt in the western States as well as the eastern, and that each year its better facilities and larger curriculum are appealing to women students. Such a situation therefore is extremely gratifying to those who have its interests at heart and it gives a greater impetus to establishing it on even firmer grounds.
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