
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no freshman nine practice today.

Amherst has received $335,000 in gifts the past year.

Lectures on the conic sections will be begun in Math C next week.

One freshman in the Detroit Medical School is sixty-five years old.

There will be no more written recitations in Latin A before the mid-years.


By the will of the late Maria T. Benedict, Brown University receives $10,000.

Entries for the B. A. A. open handicap meeting to be held Feb. 13, will close Feb. 3.

There will be an hour examination in Mr. Marsh's section in Spanish I before the mid-years.

It is proposed to unite Columbia College and the University of the City of New York.

An athletic club for college graduates only has recently been organized in New York City.

Nearly sixty per cent. of the highest offices of the country are held by college graduates.

The trustees of the New Hampshire Agricultural College have voted to sell their buildings to Dartmouth.

All members of the Boston University Debating Society may obtain tickets to the Harvard-Yale debate.

Mr. Danion of the French department will lecture today in Pierce Hall on "How Ibsen's last piece was received by the Paris critics."

Amherst undergraduates recently presented William H. Lewis captain of the foot ball eleven with a gold watch and chain. Lewis has been elected class orator.

On New Year's day the Harvard Dental School received a gift of a complete set of surgical instruments for operation in oral surgery, from Mr. C. W. Barren of Boston and Dr. T. M. Dillingham of New York.

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