SIGNET. - There will be a meeting this evening at 8.30.
G. K. BELL.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Important rehearsal tonight at 7 in Roberts Hall. All must attend.
"94 CREW. - Candidates for the '94 crew will be ready to row at 3.30 sharp.
L. LORING.FRESHMAN CREW COLLECTORS. - Meeting at 47 Weld this evening at 7 o'clock.
CHESS TOURNAMENT. - The following men are tied: 1st section - E. R. Coffin, H. G. Nichols, W. L. Van Kluck 2nd section - J. R. Jacoby, D. King (for second place). All the games must be played and the results handed in to the secretary before Wednesday, Jan. 13. The men now in the finals are: G. B. Wilson, S. M. Ballou and J. W. Mackay. Mackay has so far a clear record, having beaten Ballou in the first final game. All final men are requested to come to the regular meeting next Tuesday night.
EXEC. COMMITTEE.THE volunteers to aid in the singing at the Sunday evening services in the Columbia Theatre are as yet few. All those who wish to send in their names are earnestly requested to address S. E. Farewell, 16 Holworthy at once. See Saturday's CRIMSON for time to leave Harvard Sq.
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - A fifteen minute meeting this evening at 6.30. Students are invited to attend.
WILLIAM C. DAMON,Recording Sec.HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Meeting of regular members in Matthews 32 at 6.45. Annual election.
SIGMA PI ALPHA. - There will be a meeting of the Harvard members of the Sigma Pi Alpha of Phillips Exeter Academy, Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 6.45 p. m. in 11 Matthews.
A. H. LOCKETT.THE men who have subscribed for the expenses of the Harvard-Yale Joint Debate and who are not members of the Harvard Union may obtain tickets for the debate Friday morning between 11 and 12 o'clock at 27 Weld Hall.
'93 NOTICE. - Dibblee, Ellsworth, Rogers, Broughton, Slade, Winslow, Cary, Chew, Falk, Pike, Winsor, Jackson, Stevens, Duffield, Thatcher and Fairchild please meet in 55 Hastings, Friday evening at 7 sharp.
J. H. PARKER.ALL seniors whose last names begin with letters M-P inclusive please sit for their photographs at Pach Bros. this week. All seniors from A-L inclusive who have not already sat must do so this week.
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Intercollegiate Athletic Association.