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As regards the candidates for the Mott Haven team the number which presented themselves for work with Mr. Lathrop yesterday morning was very gratifying This expression of enthusiasm, moreover, came from the right direction, it came mostly from new men. The team needs new material and it is very desirable that everyone who can should put himself under the charge of Mr. Lathrop. At the meeting which has been called by the captain of the team for this evening both the old and new men should make it a special point to be present. There has often been a tendency for old members of a team to neglect the first part of the training, and try to make things up by working especially hard when the spring comes. This practice is more permissible in some sports than in others, but in track athletics it is especially indefensible. In track athletics there is no team work, every man has to do his best individually without any help from others. This state of things makes it imperative that every one should begin to get in training as early as possible. To the man who excuses himself by saying that he will train hard when the spring comes, the answer can be given that he will have to work his hardest then at any rate.
