
Fact and Rumor.

The students at Princeton represent 36 States.

Themes in French 6 must not be rolled or folded.

Work on the Brown running track will be begun immediately.

Gov. Russell has consented to preside at the Harvard-Yale joint debate.

At least one of the freshman crews will begin work in the tank on Monday.


Subjects for the third special report in History 10 were given out yesterday.

The photographs of this year's 'varsity eleven is in Leavitt & Peirce's window.

Col. George Peabody of Salem died on Sunday. He graduated from Harvard in 1823.

Hale, Harvard '91, now at Cornell, has been elected captain of the Cornell athletic team.

Mrs. Leland Stanford has purchased 130 bibles for the students in the Palo Alto University.

Tickets will be given to the officers of the Cambridge city government for the Harvard-Yale debate.

Prof. W. K. Townsend of Yale Law School is being urged to the vacancy in the U. S. District Court.

It is rumored that Rev. S. A. Eliot, son of President Eliot, has been selected to take Rev. Brooke Herford's church.

Professor Cecil H. Peabody, of the Boston Technology, has been appointed president of the board on life saving appliances.

A committee of the trustees of Dartmouth College are considering the proposition of selling some of the college property at Hanover.

By vote of the Faculty the system of marking in the Harvard Medical School has been changed from per cent. to the scale A, B, C, D, E.
