In accordance with a custom of long standing, the Evangelical Churches throughout the country will observe this week as the annual week of prayer. In accordance with the observance the Y. M. C. A., through its different branches, will hold short prayer meetings each evening of the week. The Y. M. C. A. of Harvard will act in unison with the other branches of the Association, and will hold short services in their rooms in Lawrence Hall every evening this week. These services are very simple; no attempt is made to make them more than quiet observances of the general custom of the churches, and they are conducted entirely by the students themselves. The meeting on Thursday, however, will be an exception to this rule, as Professor D. G. Lyon will conduct the service on that evening.
It is perhaps worth mentioning, in connection with these meetings, that there has been a change this year in the method of governing the observances of the local associations. Generally the subjects for the different evenings are prescribed by the association for all its branches, so that the services of any one evening have the same general character all over the country. This year, however, the choice of subjects is left entirely to the discretion of the local boards. The annual collections for the support of the International Committee of the association are also omitted this year. In fact the spirit of the government of the week of prayer this year is one of much greater liberality and freedom than usual.
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The Mott Haven Meeting.