PROFESSOR NORTON is prevented by illness from meeting his classes today.
FRENCH 1a. - Sections I (Prof. de Sumichrast's) and IV (Mr. Henckels') will meet together this Tuesday morning in Sever 23.
ON account of the illness of Prof. Everett all his lectures will be omitted during the current week. Students taking Phil. 13 would do well to use the time in studying the literature of the Hindu Philosophies.
C. C. EVERETT.FRENCH 4. - There will be no recitation at 3.30 p. m. to-day. The recitation at 2.30 p. m. will be held as usual.
FRENCH 6. - The subject of the theme due January 15 is changed to Quelques mots sur Jean Teterol.
F. C. de SUMICHRAST.UNIVERSITY CREW. - All candidates for the University Crew must be dressed to row at the Carey Building today at 4.
G. H. KELTON,Captain.'92 NOTICE. - All candidates for the senior crew will be at the gymnasium dressed to row at 4.30 o'clock today.
F. N. WATRISS, Cap.'94 NOTICE. - All candidates for the Sophomore Crew must be at the gymnasium dressed to row at 4 o'clock today.
L. LORING, Captain.ADVOCATE meeting at 6.45 sharp.
23 Holworthy.GEOLOGY IV. - Lecture on Wednesday at 12. Conference hours will be omitted for the present.
R. E. DODGE.WEEK OF PRAYER. - A fifteen minute meeting is held by the Young Men's Christian Association each evening this week at 6.30 o'clock. Members of the University are invited.
WILLIAM C. DAMON,Recording Sec.HARVARD CRICKET CLUB. - Any members of the University can join the Harvard Cricket Club by calling at 2 Holyoke House on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 11 and 12: or by signing the blue-book and leaving three dollars and a half at Thurston's. Shingles may be obtained there within a week of signing. All men who have ever played cricket, or who are interested in the game, are especially urged to join.
C.T. R. BATES, Secy.2 Holyoke House.
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