
Fact and Rumor.

Cummings '91 is teaching in Philadelphia.

Tufts has 175 students and 50 scholarships.

Dr. Herford will leave for England this month.

Lasell has pledged $5,000 for a working girl's home.

The new Boston University Medical School will be finished in March.


The Tufts Faculty have made a course in gymnastics an extra elective.

Parker, captain of Bowdoin's crew last year is gymnasium instructor at Brown.

Moen '91 is coaching the athletic team of the Berkeley School, New York.

G. D. Price has been elected first marshal of the senior class at Dartmouth.

A recent law in Russia prohibits more than seventy students to gather in any one theatre.

Prof. D. W. Whitney of Yale is an honorary member of the Royal Asiatic Society.

Jackson the big centre of last year's Bowdoin eleven is the gymnasium instructor at Trinity.

The glee club of the University of Michigan netted $4,500 at a single engagement in Detroit during the spring.

G. B. Wygert '93, of the University of Michigan, has been elected captain of the foot ball team for next year.

There are still some twenty gymnasium lockers unassigned. These will be let this week to men in order of application.

During the vacation the gymnasium floor has been newly marked out, and the usual winter classes will soon be formed.

The door to the new entrance to Upper Massachusetts has been completed during the recess. It is identical with the one to Lower Massachusetts.

Professor F. W. Putnam has just been elected president of the American Folk Law Society at a meeting held in Washington.

W. O'Connor, the champion oarsman of America, has issued a challenge to any man on earth to row three miles for the world's championship.

The gifts and bequests received by Yale during last year amounted to $1,151,272. This is a greater amount than in any other year in Yale's history.

Professors Shaler, Goodale and Minot delivered memorial addresses on the late Samuel Dexter at the recent meeting of the Boston Natural History Society.

A chess tournament between Yale and Princeton will soon take place, as the $100 required toward the cup has recently been pledged by a Princeton man.

Professor Adolph Cohn, who left Harvard this year to go to take charge of the French department at Columbia, was in Cambridge during the vacation.

Columbia College possesses the famous Rutherford photographs which are the earliest made photographs of the moon and were taken in the Lick Observatory in 1888.

The next theme in German 3 is due Jan. 25. It may be upon either "Musikus Miller" or the fifth act of "Kable and Liebe," but no A's will be given on the second subject.

Twenty-five years ago the first college in this country was opened to women, and it is stated there are today 40,000 women studying in the various collegiate institutions.
