
St. Paul's Society.

Rev. Edward Abbott addressed the St. Paul's Society last evening He said that whenever he is asked to address the Society there seems to be one subject which he must speak on rather than any other - the Christian ministry. Men may never become noted ministers but they can be sure that in this profession as in no other they can be great comforters, in the Scriptural sense of the word. This meaning denotes "helpers" by action rather than by mere expression of sympathy. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter not only by telling truths but by really strengthening and upholding them. And the minister has a glorious opportunity to transmit the help so bountifully given him. It is the minister's privilege, oftener than any other man's, to help his fellows through temptation and perplexity and to realize that, but for him, they might have fallen or taken the wrong path.

At a short business meeting after the address T. A. Jagger '93, reported that the Maverick Bank had paid a dividend where by the society is loser of only about $17, some $12 less than was expected, and that more dividends are likely to be paid.
