
Fact and Rumor.

The Glee Club will give a concert for the Prospect Progressive Union very soon.

The Western Club held its first "smoker" in the Union Club Rooms last evening.

The candidates for the U. of M. base ball nine are obliged to sign the pledge.

Walter Camp has been appointed foot ball director for the Manhattan Athletic Club.

A number of graduates of Andover are forming a Chicago Alumni Association of the Academy.


F. H. Eaton '75, has recently been appointed instructor of Mathematics at the Institute of Technology.

Paul Washburn '95, injured his leg in the First Regiment games so that he will probably not be able to walk for three weeks.

Classes in rings, parallel bars and tumbling will meet at 5 o'clock in the gymnasium. The afternoon class will continue until 5.45.

The cup offered by the Amherst A. A. to the man making the best record in the hare and hounds runs, has been awarded to H. A. Russell '93.

A Debating Union has been formed at Brown, which desires to follow the example of Harvard Yale and in forming intercollegiate contests.

The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania have decided to appoint five chaplains of different denominations to conduct the chapel exercises.

The Yale 'varsity crew rowed on Saturday as follows: stroke, Chatfield; 7, Rogers; 6, Gallaudet; 5, Graves; 4, Shipley; 3, Gould; 2, Balliet; bow, Perkins.

The Yale seniors at a meeting recently elected Alfred Lawrence Spencer of New Haven class historian, vice Hugh Aiken Bayne of New Orleans, La., resigned.

Professor Mark will be in the Zoology lecture room on Friday before the examination to answer any questions which may be brought up. These questions should be written out and handed in by two o'clock.

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