The hearts of all Harvard men will go out to Brooke Herford this morning as they read his touching words of farewell to them. Dr. Herford's work here was an inspiration to all who in any way came into contact with him. He brought the heart as well as the head into all that he did; his sympathy with the perplexing problems of student life was as quick and never-failing as his counsel was wise and unerring. His attitude always called out the best and most manly side of our character, and the earnestness which he says he found among us was largely a reflection of his own earnest spirit. Dr. Herford's last term of residence among us was an heroic service. His love of the work held him true to every chapel appointment notwithstanding the protracted and dangerous illness of Mrs. Herford at the time. When urged not to feel obliged to hold too strictly to the duties of university pastor during the most serious part of his wife's illness his reply was, "I like to leave a clean edge to my work." The remark deserves to be cherished by every Harvard man as a guiding principle in the performance of his own work.
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