Lansing '92 has been elected captain of the U. of Penn. base ball nine.
Five of Princeton's last year's nine are in college.
Thompson, of the Louisville nine, is coaching the Cornell nine.
Yale and Princeton are to play two chess games simultaneously by mail.
The number of candidates for the '94 crew has been reduced to sixteen.
Blue-books and all experiments must be handed in this morning in Physics C.
German 3 will read "Wallenstein's Lager" immediately after the mid-years.
The junior promenade at Princeton will take place on Feb. 19.
The Glee Club will sing in Concord, Mass., the last of February.
Most of the candidates for the Dartmouth base-ball nine are freshmen.
Bowdoin will have no crew this year but their nine and athletic team will be very strong.
Blue books for Phil. 4 may be left at Professor Palmer's house, 3 Mason Street, today.
Professor Emerton will lecture to the Social Union Thursday evening on "The Catacombs of Rome."
A summary of the chapter on the arrangement of Words is due today in English A.
W. S. Martin has been elected captain of the eleven of Tufts College for next season.
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