
The Columbia Crew.

The outlook just at present is that Columbia will have no 'varsity crew.

The standing committee on rowing, appointed at the recent meeting of the Columbia College Athletic Union, held an important meeting Friday afternoon to decide upon the advisability of Columbia putting a crew upon the water this year. The committee discussed the question fully and will report to the Board of Directors, who will in all probability adopt their opinion. The committee has drawn up the following report:

"WHEREAS, In the judgment of the standing Committee on Rowing, the desire of the students as a body is not sufficient to warrant the formation of a crew representing the whole university, and

"WHEREAS, There is not sufficient material to form a crew which will justify expending the money necessary for its support, and

"WHEREAS, This committee cannot recommend the incurring of additional expense until the present debt of the Athletic Union is paid, be it


"Resolved, That no crew be authorized to represent the University for the year 1892."

Of the committee, Applegate, chairman; McKee, Trippe, Dufoureq, Chrystie, Benkard, Shephard and A. T. Hewlett were present at the meeting.
