
Harvard Union.

At the meeting of the Harvard Union held last night to choose representatives for the next Harvard-Yale debate, it was voted to postpone the trial debate to the first Friday after the mid-year examinations. As great dissatisfaction has been felt by the Union with the subject proposed by Yale for the coming debate namely, "A college education unfits a man for business," it was voted that, as Yale had offered to make a change, the subject should be changed, and further that the trial debate should be upon the subject chosen for the Harvard-Yale debate.

The election of officers for the next half-year was held with the following results: President, J. F. Morton '92; vice-president, F. W. Dallinger '93; secretary, A. B. Keeler '94.

The Union passed a unanimous vote of thanks to Professor and Mrs. Hart and all others who so kindly aided in the reception given to the Yale and Wellesley students.

The society also wishes to express its hearty appreciation of the earnest and effective help which Mr. Hayes contributed towards making the joint debate a success by training the speakers.
