ALL seniors whose last names begin with letters M-Y inclusive must sit for their photographs this week. The few men from A-D who have not sat must do so this week.
'92 PHOTO COMM.IN a few days the Photograph Lists to be used in ordering pictures will be ready at Pac's. The prices of photographs for this year's class will be given on these lists.
'92 PHOTO COMM.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 4 sharp in 37 Brattle St.
Sophomore crew will be dressed to row at 3.40 sharp.
L. LORING.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 4.30.
THERE will be no meeting of Greek E or 1 on Wednesday, January 20.
M. H. MORGAN.WILL all who subscribed to the Yale-Harvard debate please pay up their subscriptions at once. I will be in my room tonight (Wednesday) from 8.30 to 10.30.
P. L. HORNE,Stoughton 11.THERE will be a business and election meeting of the Harvard Union, Friday, Jan. 22, '92, at 7.30 p. m. Every member should be present as speakers will be chosen for second Yale-Harvard Debate.
J. M. PERKINS,President.
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