
University Athletic Club.

Night before last in New York, the University Athletic Club was organized. About fifty University Club men met at Delmonico's Thursday evening in response to a call and discussed the formation of a University Athletic Club. Mr. W. H. L. Lee was appointed temporary chairman and, as soon as he had taken the chair, said that it was the Club's intention to furnish its members with the best athletic facilities. There will be no professional amateurs or amateur professionals.

He spoke of the constitution and mentioned some of its salient features. Applicants must be graduates of some college and have taken a degree. The college course must be at least three years. The dues are to be $50 a year for resident members, and $25 a year for non-resident members. The initiation fee is to be $50. Any one living within a fifty-mile radius of the City Hall is to come under the head of resident members.

Wyllys Terry, the old Yale foot ball player, who was present, objected to this and said that he thought Brooklyn residents should not be classed as resident members. The objection was put to motion and lost. The resident membership will be limited to 1,000. Graduates of West Point and Annapolis will be eligible. Army and navy officers will be classed as nonresident members. When off on duty they shall be exempt from dues. No gambling will be permitted.

"It is the expectation of the Club," Mr. Lee said, "to have a club-house by the first of April or soon after. The club is to be governed by a council of twenty-one, one-third of which shall be elected yearly. This council will have almost absolute control.

During the first year the club will be governed by a committee consisting of the nine original trustees and eleven more to be appointed. The latter will be selected from the list of applications by the secretary, Mr. Mathewson. Eleven of these shall constitute a quorum. The original nine trustees are: George A. Adee, George W. Green, W. H. L. Lee, C. F. Mathewson, E. J. Wendell, Henry S. Brooks, H. S. Van Duzer, Tracy Harris and Edward S. Repello. Annual meetings will be held the second Saturday in each January-There will be three standing committees, consisting of House, Athletic and Auditing Committee. No committee of any kind will be appointed until the next meeting.

