
Special Notice.

TO LET. - No. 5 Holyoke, 2nd floor corner room (over Foster's). For information address at 866 Main St.

A COPY of notes in Chemistry I for sale at Thurston's.

LOST. - Umbrella; owner's name on buckhorn handle. Reward. Leave at L. & P.

FIRST Regiment Athletic Association indoor meeting Saturday, January 23, 92, 8 p. m., at Irvington Street Armory. A large list of entries from Boston. Tickets, admission 50 cents; with reserved seat $1.

WANTED. - In a private school in Cambridge a classical master for two hours a day. Address, S. T. A. C., office of this paper.


82-3tTUTORING in Political Economy I and IV, and History XII.

C. H. BECKWITH,82-10t

15 College House.ALL seniors whose last names begin with letters R-T inclusive please sit for their photographs this week. The few men from A-D who have not sat must do so this week.

