

CRIMSON NOTICE. - There will be a regular meeting of the Board Monday evening at 6.45. All editors must attend.

THOSE who are to sing at the Columbia Theatre services Sunday evening will please take as before the 6.14 South Boston car from Harvard Sq., and bring any other volunteers with them.

'94 CREW. - All candidates for the '94 crew will be ready to row at 3.30 sharp.

L. LORING.There will be no squads for the Moti Haven team on Saturday afternoons. All candidates are expected to train with the morning squads on that day.

JOHN S. COOK.FRESHMAN CREW. - The first crew will row in the Cary Building at 2.15 sharp.


BRIGGS,Temp. Capt.EXETER CLUB. - There will be a meeting of the Exeter Club in the Union Club rooms, Roberts Block, at 7.30 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 19.

'95 CREW. - Second and third crews ready to row at 3 o'clock.

W. M. BRIGGS.As Kitchin's France is out of print I should like to buy or borrow several copies of Vol. 1.

EDWARD CHANNING.THE 3.30 squad of the Mott Haven team will begin work hereafter at 3.50. A steward of the H. A. A. will be in the janitor's office of the gymnasium from 11.30 to 12.30 and at 4.30 Friday and Saturday to receive entries for the games to be held January 23rd.


