
The Meeting of the Overseers.

A stated meeting of the Board of Overseers was held at 50 State St. yesterday at 11 o'clock. Solomon Lincoln, Esq. President of the Board in the chair.

It was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in their votes appointing Francis Gordon Caffey A. M., as Proctor for 1891-92, and in appointing the following instructors:

George Wells Fitz M. D., in Physiology for Hygiene for 1892-93.

Henry Fiske Leonard M. D., M. D. V., in Anatomy for the remainder of the year 1891-92.

Appointing Kenelm Winslow M. D. V., M. D., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Therapeutics for five years from September 1, 1892.


Voted, that this Board has received with much satisfaction the communication presented to the President and Fellows by the members of the D. K. E. Society and that it relies upon the honor and good faith of the present members of the D. K. E. and of their successors to discontinue any and all practices which can by possibility tend to the discredit of Harvard College.

Voted, that in the opinion of the Overseers it is desirable that the President and Fellows should consider the expediency of defining in the Statutes of the University the functions and duties of the Regent and should if practicable incorporate therein or in the duties of an advisory committee a proper supervision of the social clubs of the University in accordance with the general instructions of the President given to the Regent in July last.

Resolved, That the general tendency of the changes gradually made during the last twenty years in the discipline and methods of Harvard College has been to foster a salutary sense of individual responsibility among the undergraduates.

That the effect upon the moral condition of the college has been to deepen and animate the religious element in student life, to raise the standard of good couduct, to increase the power to resist temptations usually incident to large assemblages of young men, and to secure the general quiet and good order of the institution.

That the effect upon the educational efficiency of the college has been to stimulate materially the general industry of the undergraduates and to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the work done by them, to create an unusual intellectual fellowship between instructors and students, and to encourage the operation of high motives and broad considerations in the selection and pursuit of their studies in common.
